Sunday, April 11, 2010


Tatlo by Amelia Aquino
A treatment for the soap opera by Amelia Aquino

A fancy restaurant, 7pm
Slowly fades-in to hands holding, close-up of a smile with red lipstick, wine glasses, etc. A typical candle-light dinner.

Marielle and best friend decide to go out and eat at the same restaurant. Before stepping in, best friend spots Lorenzo with another woman (Angelica). Friend gets all dramatic and serious and points out to Marielle. Marielle is clearly upset and storms away.

Marielle's and Lorenzo's home, 10pm
Lorenzo comes in tired with his business attire. Drops briefcase on the floor. Marielle is sternly sitting down on the couch and as Lorenzo tries to kiss her cheek, she moves away. Marielle questions his whereabouts and of course Lorenzo lies. Marielle then confronts Lorenzo and tells him she saw him with Angelica. They quarrel and Marielle throws things at him. She cries and Lorenzo begs and pleads.

Outside Angelica's house, next day 12pm
A shot of Marielle in her car waiting for Angelica to come home. As Angelica walks up to the front door, Marielle yells to get her attention. Marielle introduces herself and Angelica is surprised. They start getting loud and passerbys look and stare and gossip. Angelica is embarrassed and tries to leave. Marielle pulls her hair and Angelica tries to slap Marielle but Marielle grabs her wrist. Marielle is angry to the point that she cries and tells Angelica the pain and hurt Lorenzo and her caused.

Marielle's and Lorenzo's house, 4 pm
Marielle is seen packing, hastily pacing back and forth gathering her belongings. Lorenzo tries to stop her and she cries. He cries. Marielle expresses her hurt and embarrassment. She leaves and is seen walking out the door. Fades-out.

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