Tuesday, April 6, 2010

4th Quarter Final Projects Proposal

Mockumentary Proposal #1 - True Life: I'm Asian April 7th, 2010
What's it like to be Asian? Do they all love math? And what's all the hullabaloo about eating raw fish? With traditional values constantly reminded or forced down their throats during modern times, in this episode of True Life you will meet 2 young teens facing the challenges and humor that comes with being Asian. In the end realizing that they are just like the rest of us (only with slantier eyes) simply trying to live life.

Music Video Proposal #2
Either: (a) Here Comes The Sun - Beatles
(b) Island In the Sun - Weezer
With the positve and relaxing vibes one receives from sunshine, the days I spend with my nephew (Miguel) and niece (Bea) at the park evokes a heart-warming emotion. These are the days they're carefree and a simple day at the park can bring out the biggest smile or loudest laughter out of them. I want to show the happiness they give me while spending a sunny day outdoors.

Short Film Proposal #3 - Soap Opera: Tatlo (Three) April 7th, 2010
With all the adversities a couple faces in the brutal war of love, it turns for the worst as a love triangle begins to develop between Lorenzo, Marielle, and Angelica. As Lorenzo and Angelica secretly escape to another rendezvouz, Marielle catches these adulterers and demands Lorenzo to choose. Find out how the drama unravels in Tatlo.
(This will be poking fun of love triangles, betrayal, and overdramatic acting in soap operas. The actors will be speaking in Tagalog and there will be English subtitles.)

Correspondent Report Proposal #1 April 7th, 2010
The TV Production course has provided students with a set of skills that showcases talent, innovation, and creativity. On Friday April 16, 2010, the students have been given an opportunity to demonstrate and enrich their skills even more by viewing a film with a before and after Q & A session and activity. We will take a look at what kind of expectations they have before this field trip, comments during, and their reactions afterwards. An inside look on how the day progresses will provide future TV Production students a feel of the demands in film-making.

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