Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Soap Opera Script - English

Lorenzo grabs Angelica's hands and cups it into his. They are both smiling and enjoying a candle-lit dinner.

Marielle and friend is seen walking up to a restaurant. The friend spots Lorenzo and Angelica.

Marielle: Lorenzo said this place was goo-
Friend: Oh. My. God. Speaking of the devil, there he is with another woman right now! Do you know her? AND WHY ARE THEY HOLDING HANDS? What are you gonna do?

Marielle storms off with watery eyes

- Back to their house -

Lorenzo: Hey love, I'm home. Ay, such a long day at work.
Marielle (coldly): I bet it was.
Lorenzo (attempts to kiss her): Why are you sitting in the dark? What's the matter with you?
Marielle (moves away): Ohhh, what's the matter with ME?! Where you really at work, huh Lorenzo?
Lorenzo (startled): Y-Y-Yes, and why are you yelling? Can you calm down and tell me what's wrong?
Marielle (louder): What's wrong? Oh, I'll tell you what's wrong. What's wrong is me having to see you with that harlot of yours when you claim that you're busy at work! And what's worst is that you actually looked happy with her. I haven't seen you smile at me like that in forever!

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