Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4th Quarter Correspondent Report Script

Opening Intro


Good Morning Bowie High, it's your BHS correspondent, Amelia Aquino, at the American Film Institute's Silver Theatre with Mr. Arcusa's TV Production Class and Bulldog Bulletin members. I spoke to Mr. Arcusa to find out just what it is we're doing here.


When choosing a new field trip for the year, I wanted to find something that would address film making and we were in luck to find out that the AFI Theatre not only would host us but even paid for the bus.

Voiceover with B-roll of the Historic Theatre and of the Q&A session


The students came into the Historic Theatre to do a Q&A after watching the Alfred Hitchcock classic "Rear Window." And why was this different than your typical movie experience? We spoke with Matt who talked to us about what we were looking for.



Closing outro


Well there you have Bowie High, back to you guys at the desk


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